Enquire and The Commission of Audit Report and Queensland’s New ICT Strategy

The release of Queensland Commission of Audit Report and the new ICT Strategy highlight the value Enquire can continue to provide in the evolving as-a-service landscape.

The release of Queensland Commission of Audit Report and the new ICT Strategy highlight the value Enquire can continue to provide in the evolving as-a-service landscape. Since 2005 Tactiv has been simplifying management tasks and mitigating compliance risk by linking data collected at ground level to decision makers and program administrators in an easy to use, configurable cloud-based platform called Enquire.

Enquire Grantcycle Management provides the Queensland Government an end-to-end grant, contract and project management solution.

Enquire was born out of the need to ensure governments had a high-quality solution to help manage a diverse range of projects, grants, and applications that interfaced with internal and external entities.

Cited in the Australian National Audit Office Report No.21, Enquire was recognised as the first integrated web-based system to manage performance information as it evidenced on-ground investment, key achievements and delivery outcomes made by proponents.

The Queensland Commission of Audit report found 90% of the Governments ICT portfolio will require replacement within 5 years at an estimated $7.4 billion.

“We have been able to link Enquire Grantcycle Management to our client’s existing systems and have also been able to transition new clients from existing or aging applications to the Enquire solution with initial transition being as short as 4 to 6 weeks” said Enquire C.O.O. Damien Zeller.

With every new implementation of Enquire Grantcycle Management clients have benefited from having the discipline, capability and functionality of an enterprise strength grant program management system.

This helped manage their programs and projects, KPI and milestone performance reporting, eliminating workarounds and having data stored locally or in other systems that are not available or appropriate for the purpose.

Storing all relevant grant, contract and project data together in one secure and easily accessible source has meant clients are able to actually report on achievements knowing the data is up to date, accurate and reflective of management and decision-makers need.

This has eliminated duplication across multiple staff and offices, and vastly reduced time to prepare reports and providing important performance management information.

As departments, agencies and organisations continue to refocus resources away from owning and operating ICT infrastructure to delivering new innovative public and business services Enquire has the proven track record and capacity to deliver substantial benefits to governments.

Tactiv’s Enquire Grantcycle Management ensure enterprises involved with publicly funded grant programs can immediately realise benefits from a highly configurable, flexible and effective grant management system that provides excellent value for money.

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